Motorcycle wire wheel builders Rims & Spokes Essex U.K. We ship parts Worldwide

Motorcycle wire wheel builders Rims & Spokes Essex U.K. We ship parts Worldwide


Dimpling rims Epping Essex 01992 522735

Veteran rims

Very few companies now do this service, but at Willis wheels we try to keep all our motorcycling customers happy, this in itself is an art to do and very time consuming, each dimple marked and hand punched separately being careful to pay attention to detail. Below shows a typical veteran rim given to us to dimple, drill and build for an early Matchless.

Prices for a rim like this to be dimpled and punched ready for building is £80 ( this does not include price of rim ) most customers supply these rims but we can order them in on request.

For different style rims please contact us with a picture and we can advise on a price.



 Click on thumbnail image to enlarge

Job Done

Job Done

Dudley and Roy debt collecting agency

Dudley and Roy debt collecting agency

Our own built track board racer

Our own built track board racer

Triumph model H on Westwood rims which were dimpled and punched prior to nickel plating and painting

Triumph model H on Westwood rims which were dimpled and punched prior to nickel plating and painting

Sunbeam wheels

Sunbeam wheels